Attorneys Are Overrated
Thank you, Captain obvious. In all seriousness, when it comes to drafting contracts, for design, engineering and construction services, the input of attorneys is extremely overrated. Not too long ago I was catching up over drinks with a friend of mine from law school. The conversation gravitated to various legal topics. At some point in […]
How Will You Protect Yourself From Change Orders?
When your company moves, expands or designs and constructs its next facility, how will you protect yourself and your company from change orders caused by poor architectural design? Hint: The answer is not, “There’s nothing we can do about it”. So, if you don’t have an answer, may we suggest you connect with a firm […]
Apex Project Consulting, Inc. Introduction to No Change Orders-Guaranteed!
In this video, Tom Conzelman, President, Apex Project Consulting, Inc. shakes-up and challenges the status quo by declaring that for design, engineering, construction and real estate development project leadership, the value proposition must include a Return On Investment. See how Apex Project Consulting has saved clients millions of dollars in hard and soft design, engineering and construction costs.
Are You a Thermometer or Thermostat?
What would you think if I said that one of the project leader’s most important jobs is forecasting the future? I’m crazy? Out of touch? Yet it is absolutely true! If a project schedule is not an accurate and reliable predictive tool, then what’s the point? If a detailed project schedule isn’t used to integrate, communicate and predictably […]
Five Ways to Make Your Law Degree Pay – Without Practicing Law
So you graduated from law school. Now what? You may think that there are plenty of lucrative opportunities created by having a law degree – and general speaking you’d be right. It’s just that actually practicing law isn’t always one. If you aren’t leaping out of the starting blocks from an elite school, turning the […]
Apex Completes New Processing Lab for Tissue Banks International
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -June 3, 2014—Apex Project Consulting, Inc., has successfully completed Tissue Banks International’s new Richmond, CA, facility that will house the company’s state-of-the-art ocular processing laboratory for musculoskeletal allografts, Apex President Tom Conzelman announced today. Apex provided a broad range of diversified project development services including purchase and sale agreement consulting, building evaluation, […]